Lovely Lettuces

Of all the vegetables grown in pots, the lettuce is probably the most common. It is an easily grown vegetable coming in a variety of colours, textures and growth habits. Lettuce grows easily from seed. When using seed you have a choice with the early, late and the pick as you grow varieties! A packet of seed will last a long time if you are only planting a few lettuces every few weeks. What could be simpler? Bonuses include the variety of leaf shapes and sizes that add useful decorative effects to the container on your balcony or deck. You can choose which of the fresh green, frilly or bronze colored lettuce you wish to eat everyday. The trick is to plant lettuce successively over the period that you wish to have them available. Is it just over the summer months, or the year round?
Planting seed is the cheaper option, but today garden centers have punnets with different varieties to choose from, so you can grow several types to try. It gives the opportunity to try different lettuce varieties to see which your favourite is! While lettuce grows quickly, they can be temperamental if they are restricted in anyway while growing. When you buy plants from the garden shop, make sure the seedlings are not pot bound when purchased.
Plant your new seedlings as soon as possible in their containers after purchasing. Protect your plants from the inevitable slugs and snails because even container-grown plants suffer from them. The normal well-drained and manured pot will be just fine for lettuce. Ensuring they are well watered, especially over the summer months. They will stress easily without water. I am sure you would be disappointed if your fresh salad was soft and droopy from lack of water. The beauty of containers is that they can be moved out of the sun into a shadier position so the plants are not in the full heat of the day.
Lettuces that are not kept growing may taste a little bitter in some varieties. Avoid over watering your lettuce, as they are equally likely to get rotted stems from sitting in wet soils for any length of time. Grow frilly leaved and the toned lettuces for an interesting display in pots, knowing that you can also eat them! Feed them frequently with liquid food, or with a nitrogen-based fertilizer as a side dressing. Fresh lettuce keeps well in the refrigerator, but I find keeping them in a loose plastic bag in the crisper keeps them fresher than just leaving unwrapped.
Maman is a sixty plus liberated woman despite having a husband and four children. She trained as a nurse and remains interested in health issues. Spent many years farming achieving farm management qualifications and a real insight into animal husbandry. A lifetime of gardening including growing commercially has provided a real love of plants and knowledge.
The next career change included a Diploma in Real Estate and business management, covering buildings and their construction.
Growing older then included some time in the hospitality industry and business.